The New York Times recently had a small piece on just these sorts of issues that prick our conscience and how not to think about them. I hate to admit it, but I love the idea. I am a worry wort by nature, so anything I can knock off my running list, is welcome. The Times has a short but interesting list, including reducing gas emissions, cell-phones, plastic bags, BPA and those plastic water bottles - all things that have crossed my radar. But wormholes? Wow, I never really was too concerned about them, unless it was during an episode of the much-beloved and sorely-missed Farscape.
I believe in global warming and Al Gore, but on a quest to simplify my life, I guess what I am really looking to do is to try to live the best way that I can, and if I can reduce some of these carbon footprints during my daily routine (like not running the water while I brush my teeth) than all the better. But I will not spend a half hour every night running around unplugging appliances to save some energy. My down time is too limited and too precious and I already have enough routines to follow in this hectic life. And it's such a pain having to reset that DVD clock, isn't it?
But I have compiled my own short list of ways to reduce waste:
- No more travel/meetings - there is such a thing as the conference phone - it's not necessary to use up gas, charge expenses, etc. Meet virtually.
- More flexible schedules - why are we still so married to 9-5? Traffic would be eased if folks could swing in later, or earlier, as desired. This goes for school schedules too. Different ages and classes could start at different times. School days could be a little shorter for younger children. Why are kids expected to pull 8-10 hour shifts like their parents?
- Remember to bring that reusable bag to the store. It's much better than paper or plastic.
- Close some of those Starbucks - oh, never mind, that's already happening...
- Don't cruise the gossip/entertainment sites - they might be fun sometimes, but it's such a waste of time and it exposes one to just how foul-mouthed and bored the average internet poster really is, not to mention the intellectual level of the subjects of the gossip.
- Adopt the $5 rule.