I am respectful, sometimes wary of the number 13, however - could you make that 12 or 14 acupuncture needles, please? I also don't want to walk under a ladder - but that's just practical, right? Certainly many so-called superstitions are what we have accepted through the ages as good advice, such as:
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away
- Eating fish makes you smart
- A lock of hair from a baby's first haircut should be kept for good luck I don't know about luck, but it's a powerful totem and wonderful keepsake. My mom still has a lock of my hair somewhere to prove I was a strawberry blond baby
- To find a penny heads up, brings good luck In today's economy, any extra cash can't hurt!
- Washing a car will bring rain - that's more of a Murphy's Law than a superstition
That you don't understand
Then you suffer
Superstition ain't the way
Stevie Wonder
I'm trying to keep a balance between the fun beliefs that I have decided to add to my personal repertoire through the years and the fears that try to crowd in, like money or health anxieties. Every day is a work in progress. Good luck!
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