Saturday, July 16, 2011

celebs aren't the only ones who lack privacy

It's not that I'm unsympathetic. It's not that I wish them ill. But I have to admit that I'm more than a little tired of hearing celebrities bemoan the fact that they don't get any privacy. I'm not fond of papparazzi or overzealous types in general, so I can imagine how annoying it must be for someone to have their dinner interrupted by an eager starstruck fan, or have to negotiate a red carpet with flashbulbs blinding your every step. But hey, celebs, you're not alone.

The popping flashbulbs of the red carpet!
Photo by beastandbean

I can't have five private minutes in the bathroom without the kid busting in to ask something. Or even if the door's closed, how private is it when she's outside the door shouting, "Hey, you want to hear me play 'Twinkle, Twinkle' on the keyboard?" 
I have my own entourage, of my 7 year-old daughter and my elderly mother. It's a rare occasion for me to travel solo. I can't walk the dog at night without the kid wanting to tag along (not on a school night, relax), carrying a flashlight to help me scoop the poop in the dark. It's nigh near impossible for that flashlight to not find my face. Talk about blinded by the light. 
Everyone wants a piece of me and everyone has an opinion. Sick of interviews? How about the thousands of questions I get to answer every day — "Why can't I have jelly beans for dinner?" "How old are you?" "Can I stay up just one more hour?" "Why do I always have to feed the cats?" "Do I have to make my bed?"
Don't get me wrong. The rewards are there too, and there's something nice about having your own fan base. But you don't have to live in Hollywood to feel like you'll never walk alone. Or be able to take a long (or even short) relaxing bubble bath without an interruption.
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