"It's kind of embarrassing (giggles)."
I wait, patiently.
"I think, Arthur . . . [from Shrek the Third
"Well, he is cute. I don't think that's funny."
She giggles some more.
"He's cute, but you also realize he's a drawing."
"Yes, I just think he's cute."
The state of six, circa 2010.
If this conversation seems silly to you (and it is) it is also a wonderful and welcome relief from "Owwww . . . my tummy hurts" and the thousand variations on that theme. Anyone who knows me knows how much I hate to be sick but that is nothing compared to how much I hate the sound of my daughter in pain and knowing there is nothing I can really do about it but ride it out with her.
So bring it on, kid.
"What do you think about Prince Charming?"
"He a prince who's not good-looking."
There you have it.
Wow! Smart kid. And how sweet that she told you about her crush. Good responses on your part. At two and half we are still at the stage where mommy can openly laugh at stuff without any hurt feelings. Of course it's not serious stuff like a crush.
You're giving me an idea for a future post, listing all her crushes, but that would be a LONG post . . .
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