Thursday, September 12, 2013

what a year

Like a lot of folks, I think of the year's true start as being in September, as opposed to January. Partly because that is the beginning of a new school year and I am a perpetual student, but mostly because I am a September baby. It's my birthday month and that's when everything started in my world.

September, at least September 12, is still considered summer, so I am a summer baby. As was Henry Hudson, Barry White, Jesse Owens, Ian Holm, Maurice Chevalier, Francois Premier, Madame Curie, Ben Shahn, and Jennifer Hudson, to name a few. This past year, September to September, has been, well, eventful, to say the least. But here we are. I'm still standing, as the saying goes. And looking forward to next year.

It's been such a busy year that I haven't had the time to kick back and do as much reading as I'd like lately, but I have found some photographic evidence to show how books (and lots of them) have always been a part of my life.

dirty knees
So many books on the bookshelf — where to begin?

Elizabeth Anne Periale & dolly
Holding Bow Wow! Meow! A First Book of Sounds — one of my favorite Golden Books — which I was sure to read a lot to my little one many years later

ocean county library
At the Ocean County Library — one of my favorite teen haunts — not sure what I was researching — Greek mythology? Embroidery?


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