Thursday, August 30, 2018

favorite movie #31: the last tycoon

Favorite movies that have had an impact on me - #31 - The Last Tycoon (1976) - The Last Tycoon is a mystery within a riddle within a mystery, which is definitely part of its appeal. Director Elia Kazan and screenwriter Harold Pinter adapted F. Scott Fitzgerald's unfinished novel (he died before he finished it), which contributes to its enigmatic quality. Robert DeNiro plays protagonist Monroe Stahr in a quiet, compelling way - very far from his most well-known, more brutish performances. Set in Hollywood in the late 30s, when the studios were just seeing the end of the mogul era and the rise of the corporate structure, The Last Tycoon follows Stahr over the course of a few days as he tries to save the current picture he is overseeing and embark on a doomed romance. There is something wonderful and unfulfilled in a movie that doesn't (and can't) answer all your questions. No matter how many times I see it, I want more. Just like life.

One of my favorite scenes:

Studio executive Monroe Stahr (Robert DeNiro) in his natural habitat

Stahr shows Kathleen Moore (Ingrid Boulting) the beachside villa he's never going to finish
Stahr with union organizer Brimmer (Jack Nicholson) and Cecilia Brady (Theresa Russell)


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