Sunday, November 30, 2008

my mom's purse... full of all sorts of things, most of them hard to get a hold of. Her credit cards are kept in a plastic sleeve secured by a rubber band. Her too-small wallet is separate, with a change purse that is difficult to get into. Today at Target we bought her a new wallet, with places for cash, cards, and coins, all in one convenient package. We'll see how it flies.

My mom's brain these days is a bit like her purse. A word that she knows is there, can sometimes be difficult to access. I don't think Target has anything for this. We'll see how it goes.

I hope our new Prez is ready and able to deal with this aging boomer population, each with his or her unique long-term care needs.

A great movie that deals with aging parents is Albert Brooks's Mother. Four words: Cheese in the Freezer. Brilliant.

Author's note: November was NaBloPoMo, national blog posting month, and I made it (after starting on 11/2)! My own additional challenge, if you were following, was to include Obama in some way in each post. I'm not sure I will be able to keep up with the daily posting, but I'll sure try.


Anonymous said...

Apparently the light up purse organizer I sent her was no good? Good luck with the new wallet.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you totally. I believe that there needs to be lots of attention put on developing legislation, education, and research on how to handle the needs of our aging parents. You would think with over 46 million family caregivers that the candidates would have made an effort to target those aging and those caring for them. With the economy the way it is now, many family caregivers may have to turn to the state for financial help to care for their aging families.

Steven said...

Mother is one of my favorite movies! I still crack up when I think about the "protective layer" on top of the ice cream.

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